Mexico City Airport Arrivals

Flight Arrivals live information 24/7 at Mexico City Airport

If you are an occasional or frequent traveler we offer you some recommendations that can make your life easier when you arrive at your destination. Some of them may sound very obvious but they are of vital importance to avoid unexpected mishaps.

mexico city airport arrivals

Recommendations upon arrival at your destination

Pay attention to the suitcase

This is a very basic recommendation, however there are always setbacks when traveling with excess baggage. Take a small suitcase with what is necessary, but forget about carrying items that you probably won’t even use. This is a great advantage upon arrival as you will only have to deal with a small piece of luggage.

Be careful with your passport

Make sure that your documentation is in order. One of them is that your passport is valid during your stay. In different countries require that its validity is greater than six months.

Confirm if you need a visa

In spite of having traveled previously to your destination, verify if you need a visa, remember that there are countries that modify their policy. Do it before arriving at your destination and avoid unpleasant surprises.

Diseases abroad

Do not expose yourself to travel if you feel sick or if you have an illness that is not properly controlled at your destination. In any case, inform yourself in advance about the health system at your destination and where to go in case of hospital needs.

Health warnings

Several countries have strict policies on health issues, so that suspicion of having any disease, can stop the entry, especially when there are epidemic outbreaks, or when you can not prove that you are in good health.

Are you vaccinated?

Research the risks of contracting any disease at your destination and what vaccinations are recommended. In some countries, instead of requiring an entry visa, an international vaccination certificate is often required.

Monica R.

Hi, I'm a content writer passionate about everything related to Mexico's airports. From its history to the latest trends in technology, I am passionate about writing informative and entertaining articles for my readers. My goal is to provide you with a unique and relevant perspective on everything that surrounds the world of Mexico's airports. I hope you enjoy my articles and that they provide you with valuable information about this fascinating world.

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