Connection between terminals

When you arrive at Benito Juarez airport, it can seem very intimidating. This is due to the long distances that exist between one terminal to another wondering how to get from one to the other in record time, here we will tell you how.


It is one of the transportation services used to carry passengers between Terminal 1 and Terminal 2 of Benito Juarez Airport. The entrance to the platform in Terminal #1 is located in the middle of the “Puente de Pilotos” (Pilots Bridge) taking the escalators through Hall D and the entrance to the platform from Terminal 2 is through Hall M at one end of National Departures.


From 05:00 a.m. to 1:00 a.m., 365 days a year, starting its first route from Terminal 2 to Terminal 1, and the last route is to Terminal 2.


The Aerotrén has 4 cars at your disposal, with capacity for 100 people carrying only hand luggage. For those users with large luggage, it is advisable to take the bus that also connects the terminals.

Travel time between terminals

The distance between terminals is 3 kilometers and the travel speed is 45 Km/hr, with a travel time of only 5 minutes.  The frequency between trips is approximately every 10 minutes.

Who is authorized to use the Aerotren?

Passengers or users with electronic reservation key, pass and/or boarding ticket in any airline agency, that is, where they are going to travel. Passengers or users with special needs are offered access to the Aerotren if they are in a wheelchair, ideally they should travel with a family member, companion, authorized personnel of some of the Airlines and/or service creditors (even if the companion does not have a boarding pass).

Rate of the Aerotren

The price of the service is a total of $16.00 pesos for each user traveling from Terminal 1 to Terminal 2. The ticket is paid to the operator of the unit that will take you there.


At gate number 6 of Terminal 1 and through gate number 4 of Terminal 2.


This public service is available to the general public, those who need to go from one terminal to another, or passengers with boarding passes. The buses have boarding and alighting services for the disabled or wheelchair users, are air-conditioned, have plenty of space for luggage and are open 24 hours a day.

Monica R.

Hi, I'm a content writer passionate about everything related to Mexico's airports. From its history to the latest trends in technology, I am passionate about writing informative and entertaining articles for my readers. My goal is to provide you with a unique and relevant perspective on everything that surrounds the world of Mexico's airports. I hope you enjoy my articles and that they provide you with valuable information about this fascinating world.

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